Hi at all.
I have the sidebar in forum with CMS article.
Now i see the avatar of the publisher, but i want see the image of the article..
This is what you have to do :
1- Edit block_cmsarticles to call the image instead of avatar :
<div class="block smaller">
<div class="blocksubhead">
<a class="collapse" id="collapse_block_cmsarticles_{vb:raw blockinfo.blockid}" href="{vb:raw relpath}#top"><img alt="" src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_button}/collapse_40b.png" id="collapseimg_cmsarticles_{vb:raw blockinfo.blockid}"/></a>
<img src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_cms}/widget-article.png" alt="" />
<span class="blocktitle">{vb:raw blockinfo.title}</span>
<div class="widget_content blockbody floatcontainer">
<ul id="block_cmsarticles_{vb:raw blockinfo.blockid}" class="blockrow">
<vb:each from="articles" key="articleid" value="article">
<li class="noavatarcontent floatcontainer widget_post_bit">
<div class="widget_post_userinfo"></div>
<vb:if condition="$article['previewimage']">
<img alt="previewimage" src="{vb:raw article.previewimage}" with="150" height="150" />
<div class="smallavatartext widget_post_comment_noavatar">
<h5 class="widget_post_header"><a href="{vb:raw article.url}" class="title">{vb:raw article.title}</a></h5>
<p class="widget_post_content">{vb:raw article.message}</p>
<div class="meta">
<vb:if condition="$articlestype == 0">
{vb:stylevar dirmark}(1{vb:rawphrase x_comments, {vb:raw article.replycount}})
<div class="underblock"></div>
- 2 Edit file /includes/blocks/cmsarticles.php and around line 160 include cms_article.previewimage in order to be able to recall the variable in the template:
$results = $this->registry->db->query_read_slave("
SELECT cms_article.contentid, cms_article.pagetext as message,
cms_article.previewimage, cms_article.previewvideo,
cms_node.nodeid, cms_node.url, cms_node.publishdate,
thread.replycount, thread.lastpost as lastpostarticle, thread.lastposter, thread.lastpostid, thread.lastposterid,
" . ($this->registry->options['avatarenabled'] ? ",avatar.avatarpath, NOT ISNULL(customavatar.userid) AS hascustomavatar, customavatar.dateline AS avatardateline,customavatar.width AS avwidth,customavatar.height AS avheight" : "") . "
FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "cms_article AS cms_article
INNER JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "cms_node AS cms_node ON (cms_node.contentid = cms_article.contentid)
INNER JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "cms_nodeinfo AS cms_nodeinfo ON (cms_nodeinfo.nodeid = cms_node.nodeid)
LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "thread AS thread ON (cms_nodeinfo.associatedthreadid = thread.threadid)
LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "user AS user ON (cms_node.userid = user.userid)
" . ($this->registry->options['avatarenabled'] ? "LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "avatar AS avatar ON(avatar.avatarid = user.avatarid) LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "customavatar AS customavatar ON(customavatar.userid = user.userid)" : "") . "
AND cms_node.setpublish = 1
AND cms_node.publishdate <= " . TIMENOW . "
AND cms_node.publicpreview = 1
ORDER BY$ordersql
LIMIT 0," . intval($this->config['cmsarticles_limit']) . "
require_once(DIR . '/includes/class_bootstrap_framework.php');
That's all. Now you are able to use image instead of avatar.
Remeber to clear cms cache after you apply your modify.
Demo here (my site)