Originally Posted by blueperspective
Ok, so let's say I'm buying the Pro version with 3 months updates. After those three months, vB is changing its version from 4.1.x to 4.2.x or 4.5.x. Because of that changing it could be possible to need some changes of the mod aswell. Would I receive those kind of updates after the 3 months period or not ? I think these kind of updates should be included forever... as far as it could appear errors between the mod and the new version of vB.
Upgrades of the mod and other pluses/modifications... should remain for those with active licenses only. But what is about the functionality of the mod should be free.. as far as I bought it sometime in the past.
Waiting for an answer.
Unfortunately it would be a logistical nightmare for us to maintain vB compatibility with old versions. If such a time arises, you'd be free to revert to using the Lite version or purchase a renewal
I'll summon Iain to this thread as well so he can explain in more detail the business decisions behind it - I simply focused on
my part of the business in my response.