We are currently in final stages of development for our portal
http://www.techarena.in We have used drupal 7 CMS..
We are facing issues while integrating vbulliten with drupal7 currently.
Problem: User-agent data being sent from drupal end exceeds the size of useragent column while creating a session for vbulliten.
What does integration of drupal site with vbulliten provides?
Auto login/logout for users(i.e., if a user logs into drupal system, a session should be created for them on the vb end also).
Fetching latest and common threads from vb into drupal.
Getting currenly online users and many more stuffs.
Our problem is related to the auto login feature. If users tries to login to drupal site via chrome, db error is thrown while creating a session for them on the vb end. The same problem doesn't come up with any other browser.
Drupal uses HTTP_USER_AGENT to get the user agent details. This value in case of google chrome exceeds 100 characters(which is the size of useragent column in vbulliten session table).
The same doesn't happen in case of firefox or any other browsers, since the useragent values stays within 100 chars. So, in order to resolve this issue, we need to increase the size for useragent column in vbulliten sessions table to 255 chars.
Will this change in useragent create any kind of problems for our vbulletin forum ?