Thanks for the reply
The attached image shows my settings, I do not have that set to auto.
I have not changed these settings since the site was first created
We did some more investigating on this last night
First of all we have a thread in the admin only forum which has this problem
However on Firefox I see page 1 much too wide, page 2 and 3 OK, page 4 a bit too wide. Another mod on Firefox sees the same
However one of my mods on Google Chrome seems PAge 1 and 4 OK, Page 2 and 3 much too wide
I checked on IE8 and see all four pages OK !
Also we tried a test thread - all posting till it went wide
One of our admins posted and it triggered the problem (in firefox at least) - deleting his post the thread went to normal width
But when he posted again (there were a few other posts too from other mods) something made the thread go a bit to wide - but deleting his post this morning did not return things to normal!
I am really confused