Where did I say it could not be done? I apologise if I gave off the impression that it could not be done, I merely said that I did not have the time to investigate and code it for you, and we do not offer these kinds of customisations to our products.
I'm happy that you got it done - if you want, you can re-post your post (sans the mis-information and mis-quotes of course) as a new mod here on vb.org and put the threadid of this thread as "addon for". That way it doesn't get buried in the mists of time
Please understand, CSS is not my strong suite (I'm sure your coder friend can tell you that the CSS he edited is far from optimal) so it would have taken me several hours to do this. DBTech is my full-time job, so I unfortunately cannot spend several hours a day customising my mods for people who want them to work a specific way