forget it, paperclip a member of my community implemented all the changes i requested in less than 10 mins. would really have appreciated if you spent that time helping instead of giving me all the reasons why you couldn't do it since it would have taken you even shorter time to do since you know exactly where to look.
It would also have improved the satisfaction of your customers for those like me, cause in the future im sure someone will ask this again and they can just search the forums for this solution and bam you have an instantly better product for the little more effort you put in. your good product would be even BETTER and your customers will be SOOO much happier.
heres the code for those who want it, just add/replace these in ur dbshout templates.
This code streamlines the [date] [name] [msg] so they are all aligned neatly as in my screenshot above, making the chat MUCH MORE easy to read. You can also change the font to your desired size in the css tempalte. i put mine as 11px
dbtech vbshout tempaltes > dbtech_vbshout.css
(add this at the bottom of the template)
PHP Code:
.dbtech_vbshout_frame { resize: vertical; }
.dbtech_vbshout_frame .alt1 { font-size: 11px; }
.dbtech_vbshout_frame .alt2 { font-size: 11px; }
.sb_time { width: 55px; display: inline-block; float:left; vertical-align: middle; }
.sb_name { width: 140px; display: inline-block; float:left; vertical-align: middle; }
.sb_text { margin-left: 195px; display: block; vertical-align: middle; }
Replace the following three templates with these, it just adds div tags to the bottom lines to make them neat.
dbtech vbshout tempaltes > dbtech_vbshout_shouttype_shout
PHP Code:
<div class="dbtech_vbshout_shout%altclass%" id="dbtech_shoutbox_shout%shoutid%_%instanceid%">
<input id="dbtech_shoutbox_shout%shoutid%_message%instanceid%" type="hidden" value="%message_raw%" />
<span class="sb_time" id="dbtech_shoutbox_shout%shoutid%_time%instanceid%"%canedit%>%time%</span>
<span class="sb_name" id="dbtech_shoutbox_shout%shoutid%_username%instanceid%">%memberaction_dropdown%:</span>
<span class="sb_text" style="%styleprops%"%canedit%>%message%</span>
<div style="clear: left;"></div>
dbtech vbshout tempaltes > dbtech_vbshout_shouttype_me
PHP Code:
<div class="dbtech_vbshout_shout%altclass%" id="dbtech_shoutbox_shout%shoutid%_%instanceid%">
<input id="dbtech_shoutbox_shout%shoutid%_message%instanceid%" type="hidden" value="%message_raw%" />
<span class="sb_time">%time%</span>
<span id="dbtech_shoutbox_shout%shoutid%_username%instanceid%">%memberaction_dropdown%</span>
<span style="%styleprops%"%canedit%>%message%</span>
<span id="dbtech_shoutbox_shout%shoutid%_time%instanceid%"%canedit%></span>
dbtech vbshout tempaltes > dbtech_vbshout_shouttype_pm
PHP Code:
<div class="dbtech_vbshout_shout%altclass%" id="dbtech_shoutbox_shout%shoutid%_%instanceid%">
<input id="dbtech_shoutbox_shout%shoutid%_message%instanceid%" type="hidden" value="%message_raw%" />
<span class="sb_time">%time%</span>
<span class="sb_name">%memberaction_dropdown%:</span>
<span class="sb_text">
<span id="dbtech_shoutbox_shout%shoutid%_username%instanceid%">[<span style="font-weight:bold;">PM to %pmuser%</span>]</span>
<span style="%styleprops%"%canedit%>%message%</span>
<div style="clear: left;"></div>
Lastly, replacing this attached javascript in /
will allow users to scroll up whenever they please without it forcing you to scroll down/up whenever the chat is refreshed. of course remember to rename your orignal vbshout.js as vbshout.js.bak in case anything goes wrong
Hope this helps someone as i was looking for a solution for the last 3 days when i kept being getting told NO IT CANT BE DONE when in reality it took just 10 mins from a random member on my site who happened to be a coder. Thank you paperclip.