I am getting this error:
HTML Code:
47 The Ronin
0 custom icons added.
0 imageprefixes for forums found.
Processing post icons.
15 post icons found.
Adding sidebar icons.
121 icon candidates added.
Starting with images/sprites/sprite-10-main.png.
98 icons added.
Creating sprite (width:1000px height:124px).
Warning: imagepng() [function.imagepng]: Unable to open '[path]/images/sprites/sprite-10-main.png' for writing: Permission denied in [path]/admincp/sprite.php on line 1620
Error occurred: Unable to save sprite in images/sprites/sprite-10-main.png.
Starting with images/sprites/sprite-10-main_rtl.png.
98 icons added.
Creating sprite (width:1000px height:124px).
Warning: imagepng() [function.imagepng]: Unable to open '[path]/images/sprites/sprite-10-main_rtl.png' for writing: Permission denied in [path]/admincp/sprite.php on line 1620
Error occurred: Unable to save sprite in images/sprites/sprite-10-main_rtl.png.
CSS template successfully updated.
Starting with images/sprites/sprite-10-forumdisplay.png.
0 icons added.
Sprite was not created.
Starting with images/sprites/sprite-10-forumdisplay_rtl.png.
0 icons added.
Sprite was not created.
CSS template successfully updated.
Starting with images/sprites/sprite-10-forumhome.png.
0 icons added.
Sprite was not created.
Starting with images/sprites/sprite-10-forumhome_rtl.png.
0 icons added.
Sprite was not created.
CSS template successfully updated.
Starting with images/sprites/sprite-10-showthread.png.
0 icons added.
Sprite was not created.
Starting with images/sprites/sprite-10-showthread_rtl.png.
0 icons added.
Sprite was not created.
CSS template successfully updated.