That'd be great if it becomes a possibility!
Originally Posted by e3fnxs6p
Currently, when "first image in post" (source2) is set, it won't display thumbnails from attachments. When "first attachment" (source1) is set, it won't display thumbnails from the first image. But often, you would like to have a combination of these options, instead of excluding each other.
You can solve this by doing this:
1) set the thumbnail source to "First Attachment".
2) go to plugin manager > "Forum Display - Threadbit Display" > find the line containing
$hook_query_fields .= ", MIN(attachment.attachmentid) AS attachmentid";
and append under that line, the following line:
$hook_query_fields .= ", thread.thumbnailurl AS thumbnailurl";
That's all.
I had tried this solution offered and it does work... to a degree.
I found if I set the option to
first image in post and then opened and saved a thread with an [IMG] tag already in it, then changed the option back to
first attachment. Thumbnails are shown for threads that have an attachment in them or a thread with an [IMG] tag.
Which is exactly what I'm after, but having to change options back 'n' forth and open and save every thread that has an [IMG] tag image in it, isn't ideal obviously!