Hi i already bought 2 dbtech products
dbquizpro - hated it cause in the ended I could not even use it cause it was not compatible with vbdynamics, feel i should get a refund for that they didnt specify when i paid.
vb optiimze - loved it, best mod i ever installed and the reason why i will always give db products a chance.
Right now im planning to get the pro db shoutbox version and during the Finalising Install... im getting this error
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare handle_bbcode_video() (previously declared in /home/xxx/includes/class_bbcode.php(2469) : eval()'d code:24) in /home/xxx/includes/class_bbcode.php(2469) : eval()'d code on line 53
Did a search some some1 solved it, after reading i still dont know how to solve it.
Here is what i gathered so far.
Him: Fatal error: Cannot redeclare handle_bbcode_video() (previously declared in /var/www/xx.net/xx/foros/includes/class_bbcode.php(2469) : eval()'d code:24) in /var/www/xxx/xxx/foros/includes/class_bbcode.php(2469) : eval()'d code on line 53
You: That's a bug in whatever mod is creating that function, then
You need to ask the author of that mod to wrap their function creation in if (!function_exists('handle_bbcode_video')) { }
Him: It was a "Video-Directory Remixed" issue. I've fixed it
SO i have that mod too. How exactly do i wrap the function creation in those tags?