I have seen this kind of hack somewhere...I can't remember where it was, but I am also in need of it.
To clarify, it works like this:
First, the "Thank You" option needs to be activated for a forum by the admin, just like thread ratings.
Then, at that forum, every first post of a thread has an additional link or button, stating "Thanks for the Post" or something like that.
When a user clicks on it, a line is added to the first post: "The following people are grateful: User1" (or similar).
Afterwards, when another user clicks on it, his name is added to the List: "The follwing people are grateful: User1, User2" (sorted alphabetically), and so on.
So what this hack does, is just preventing the users from posting a reply with only a "Thanks" in it. Instead, they can now thank without posting, and the contributor knows how many people are grateful towards him and who they are.
I hope, this clears things up a bit...now please, can anyone do this?