well done! Thanks for that.
Mod works properly so far with vB 4.1.5 ... just marked as installed.
Thou I did some minor modifications:
- with the board having a thumbnail size set to 120px, there were text fragments vanishing down below the picture boxes (
just like gonzek's attached picture shows), thus condensed the phrase "
by: user on date" a little ... but still a tiny issue.
- added the full phrase in gallery_picallbit template as tooltip, so it can be viewed at least when running the mouse over each picture:
<img .... title="{vb:rawphrase album}: '{vb:raw picture.title}' ({vb:raw picture.username}, {vb:raw picture.picturedate})"/>
- changed the position within the navbar to have it close to the community menu (where the standard "album.php" is mentioned as option):
Just some ideas ...
Found this workaround mentioned some pages earlier ...
(190px work perfect for our board, when thumbnail size is set to 120 in admincp)