Originally Posted by MalluParadise
hw about 4.1.7 ?
yes it works in 4.1.7
Originally Posted by barakuda
hi..installed,but why evreytime i click any link in my forum is still directly to the url without passing any adf.ly?what wrong?
go to:
then go:
generate your full page script and copy it to the mod settings in your VB options under Options -> Adf.ly Mod
Code you need to copy looks something like that:
var adfly_id = 844139;
var adfly_advert = 'int';
var exclude_domains = ['example.com', 'yoursite.com',];
<script src="http://adf.ly/js/link-converter.js"></script>
Just change example.com to your domain so your internat forum links are not redirected to adf.ly aswell. you can delete "'yoursite.com'," or leave it as it is, will work fine.
Originally Posted by joeychgo
so this works the same as www.viglink.com does? (except I get paid WAY more with viglink)
you can use both adf.ly and viglink. look at your stats in viglink account and write down domains where users click and you get no affiliation money. then generate full page script but include only domains which dont give you monet via vig link.
code should look something like that:
var adfly_id = 844139;
var adfly_advert = 'int';
var domains = ['depositfiles.com', 'rapidshare.com', 'vip-file.com', 'smsfiles.ru', '4files.net', 'turbobit.ru', 'uploading.com', 'letitbit.net', 'depositfiles.ru', 'sms4file.com', 'ifolder.ru', 'hotfile.com', 'anyfiles.net', 'sharingmatrix.com', 'megashare.com', 'megaupload.com', 'rapidshare.de', 'rapidshare.ru', 'uploadbox.com', 'filefactory.com', 'filefactory.ru', 'filepost.ru', 'onefile.net', 'freefolder.net', 'getthebit.com', 'turbobit.net',];
<script src="http://adf.ly/js/link-converter.js"></script>
Just inlude all youtube links or rapidshare etc. This way you will be getting whatever you getting from viglink + some extra from adf.ly. Works like a charm on my site.