I've e-mailed Brian offline about this, but in essence it's built.
What I have thus far is an adequate interface offering caching for:
All Forums
Specific Forums
Specific Forms + Sub Forums
Within the past x days.
The Cache Cannon then will fire for all applicable posts, and uses a template to render the display in the html files.
The only missing thing is the final parsing through all resultant folders and files, constructing the index.htm files that will tie it all together for the spiders... and I have plans on the best way to do this already.
Awaiting feedback from Brian, but if you wish I can send you an example of the current code tonight and you can offer your comments on how to progress it.
I do not want to release it until it works fully on the backend, I'm not bothered by cosmetic things at the moment (since that will be template driven and user adjustable), just that it all works a dream... if you wish to be a private beta tester and help me push it forward, then get in contact.
David K