and everyone else...
I have tidied up and read through the vb part of the script (I don't put vb on my site until I know what it does) and I can tell you that:
1) The script is fine... few errors, but they're easily dealt with.
2) I have re-formatted, if you would like me to supply this to you christian I can.
3) Microsoft have implemented tracking of this app.
Number 3 being something a lot of you will have issues with.
There is an image named mctrack which is null to start with, but on every click is assigned a different value which is always a get request from the MS site.
Whilst doing a wget of the image returns a 302 and then a 404, I have no doubt that it's irrelevant... getting stats from an error log is as easy as from a web log, except you get the benefit of not having to actually serve anything so you have lower bandwidth as a result.
So there you have it, a nice tracking and stats thing built in... which, btw, is easily removed.
Again, Christian mail me and I shall give you an updated version.
I would suggest also making a second layout... so you have the default layout as currently is, and a second layout that actually resembles the vBulletin who's online bar on the forum homepage, i.e. horizontal. This was users could place it at the bottom of all forum display pages easily and avoid having to litter threads and post pages with it.
Just my thoughts and discoveries.
David K