Originally Posted by Reizar
Is it possible to remove awards you have given to people?
Yes. In admincp (and modcp if that's enabled) go to Award System -> Award Manager. On the screen that loads click on "Give Award to User" for the award you want to remove from a user. On this screen at the bottom it lists all users who have been given the award with the option to edit the entry for the user or to remove it. Click remove to remove the award.
Also with the automation system, its just run automatically which is great. But I have a specific problem.
I have 3 awards based on postcount. One for reaching 500 posts, 1000 posts and 2500 posts.
Say if someone has 2500 posts, it won't give them the 500 and 1000 medals. Is it possible to make it give all 3?
No I don't think so. If you add post based criteria then only when the criteria is met (i.e. at 500, 1000 or 2500) will a specific award be added. You could always just do it with an sql insert query since it should be just a one time thing when you add the awards initially.
The query would be something like:
insert into award_user (userid, award_id, issue_reason, issue_time) select userid, award_number, "For reaching 500 posts", UNIX_TIMESTAMP() from user where postcount > 500;
Put in the appropriate award number and change the message as needed and it should work.