First of all thanks for your replys, I really appreciate it
Now back to topic! I code PHP since a couple of years (beginner / average skills), but never found time to learn vbulletin.
I kinda thought this is going to be easy... Said to myself "Just find the hook which gets called when a post gets saved, and insert your code there". So I first thought I gotta pick the "newreply_" hooks. I placed a mysql_query via the write function into my plugin code to see if the hook gets called or not, when creating a new post, but somehow the query never got made! No matter if I choosed "newreply_" or "newpost_".... I googled and found somebody who tried to achieve a similar thing and they told him to use "postdata_start". I tried it out, and the query got made
So, did I use the wrong "newreply_" hook? I thought I tried all of them, but the query somehow never got made... Trying "newreply_start" again now...
EDIT: Nope, the query didnt got processed! changing to postdata_start again for now.
About the variables... Ok, I understood that. Seems I really gotta dig into the sourcecode :/ no pain, no gain!
Btw: I am trying to build something like a "activities" plugin, which will make a users profil similar to facebook profile pages. for this i need to save every post / thread / blog post / avatar change etc. in the first place, then go ahead and work with it on the member profile page

got the whole plugin theory on paper, now I "just" need to code it! And since I want to learn "vbulletin", its a good combination...

So if you want to help me with pointing me in the right directions to fasten up the learn process, I would really appreciate it !!