Originally Posted by ChimeraRS
I have this mod installed, VB 4.1.5 and Photopost 7.1. The popup works great but the drop-down to choose the album won't work, it just defaults back to "all my photos" no matter what I choose. Any idea what could be wrong? The list is populated correctly with all of my albums.
Version: 4.1.001
Photo Popup Settings (from AdminCP)
num_of_cols: 3 [3]
edited out....
Originally Posted by cellarius
Not at all
Please replace your clientscript/ckeplugins/cel_pp/plugin.js with the attached version. Does this resolve your issue?
Celarius. Im having the same issue. Not sure how longs its been acting up but for sure is not working now. Im running 4.1.4 and PP7.1 browser is chrome.
I tried the file fix and not change. Flushed cache and nothing, it just loops.
Any help on this and my question before would be great.