I use vBulletin Blog 2.0.2 on my site. But on Blog's styling page, there is the following color picker:

... and the users can choose only between these colours!
On vBulletin AdminCP Pages for Skin Style Options, there is the following color picker:

... with more colours (when pressing this button).
How to apply the second color picker to vBulletin Blog;

--------------- Added [DATE]1318778010[/DATE] at [TIME]1318778010[/TIME] ---------------
hmm, the controversial point is in the files
vbulletin_cpcolorpicker.js (admincp color picker file) and
vbulletin_colorpicker.js (blogs and profile styling color picker). Could anyone make a new
vbulletin_colorpicker.js with the support of the colours which support the admincp color picker?