Originally Posted by GaryT
The white area I'm trying to get rid of affects all my dark styles not just yours. Your style is the best one I have but if I can't resolve this issue, I'm just going to have to run one of the crappy whitish styles.
I've tried everyone's suggestions.
Honestly it surprises me that I never got an answer to asking what css drives those white blocks?
I need to drop the issue before it racks my brain. I Don't need the stress.
Gary... those css definitions I listed in the post above yours *hopefully* should fix your issue have you checked yet? Those are the ones you must edit although I've found another way by calling a css file in the MEMBERINFO template itself. If the CSS fix I listed does not solve your issue completely let me know via PM and I'll shoot over some instructions for a quick test in your memberinfo template using <style="text/css" etc
