Originally Posted by Zachery
I'd think it'd be easier to give the guy who is upset and unhappy a refund for his software instead of trying to combat his bad worth of mouth.
Simply put if I knew what I knew now I wouldnt have bought it, I own every dragon byte plugin, (Life Time and Branding Free), with them I notice that I know before I buy what Im getting into before I buy the plugin. I understand bugs Ive had them many times with other plugins and dont mind working with the developer.
When I bought Photopost Pro, VBTube, and every other plugin I knew what was needed before buying.
Calling me a scammer? and a liar?
I found dragon byte plugins through vBulletin.org and I purchased everyone of their plugins and I can tell you I have never once asked them for a refund on anything, they have been amazing to deal with and work with.
My refund request only came after the insults, arrogance :P Teling me I have no valid reason for a refund request? Id like to know what a valid reason is to him.