Setting to NO did not help, maybe its the way i install it wrong.
Since i have not found a installation description here i used following way to install your skin.
Double extracted your Skin.
Uploaded the avenger_blue folder with contents into my forum/images folder.
I know have the avenger_blue folder with its files under my forum/images folder
I then went to ACP > Download / Upload Styles
Uploaded the Fluid XML file via "EITHER upload the XML file from your computer"
Ignore Style Version YES / No Parent Style / Display Order 10 / Allow User Selection OFF (for now)
ACP Response:
Updating style information for each style...
Default Style ... (Templates) (StyleVars) (Replacement Variables) (CSS) (Controls) Done.
Avenger Blue - Fluid ... (Templates) (StyleVars) (Replacement Variables) (CSS) (Controls) Done.
Again only the Forums uses the Style.
**Im not an English native speaker so forgive my English and thanks for your work.
I updated to 4.1.7 after i discovered these problem and read that you will be delivering an update. As i said earlier i can wait.