Originally Posted by ForceHSS
going good no bugs in it so far that I can see
one thing would be nice to see as it seems to miss Thread Prefixes even if I make it forced to use them on a section it wont add them
It wont add prefixes as they are added when the forum loads, your actual url stays the same, a prefix is never added to them - have you ever seen a url like this http:
www.mysite.com/showthread?t=[solved]12345 ???
Originally Posted by ozzy47
If a spider is banned, how do I get them to crawl my site again, I tried your full ban list, and now my website monitor services are no longer checking my site.
I removed all spiders from admin except Baidu.
You added your site monitoring service as a bad bot? bad move!, remember we're sending them a 301 which is a permanent redirect, if you don't see them back in a week check with them, you may ask for your url to crawled again.
Originally Posted by GreyGhost
Hi Simon, I just sent PM to test beta.
I have the released version installed on our vBCMS 4.1.7 but it doesn't seem to be banning Baidu. Our forums are located in the root with the CMS (so no /forums/), not sure if it's to do with this.
I have Track Guest Visits installed and it still shows 40-50 Baidu every day.
I've double checked my settings... only have "Ban Spiders In List" selected, no logging etc.
My List is:
snap shots
Anyway, will try beta and see if that fixes it.
PS. I hope your daughter and grandson are doing well.
Right, firstly, thanks they're now doing great

, your "Track Guest Visits" mod will ALWAYS show the spiders but your native vBulletin WOL will not, the reason why the TGV mod picks them up is because they are actually accessing your site (so that mods doing it's job and recording them) but my mod prevents them from having their request completed i.e direct request for a url is a forum access but they are redirected permanently before the thread loads (so my mod is ALSO doing its job

Hope that clears things up for you all.
@GreyGhost i'll PM you details of the beta