Couple more things I've noticed:
- If you turn off permissions for "Tournament Moderator", you lose the ability to add or edit Categories. This is confusing if you don't intend to run any tournaments.
- When you have Tournaments turned off, the option for it still shows up under "Category For" in the edit category page. Perhaps you should enable all 3 modes separately in the admincp, and only show the ones enabled in the edit category page with check boxes to select.
- Would like the option to only show team tags on the team page, and not in front of the player's username. Most of the users on my forum include their tags in the username anyway.
- On the ladder display page, the tournaments tab should not show up if you have tournament view/join turned off.
- When you're running a team ladder, the phrase "Players" should change to "Teams".
- When you have Tournament view/join permission disabled, the help tabs for that should disappear. Same goes for Leagues once we're able to set permissions for that mode.