Originally Posted by Nuker_Viper
couple of ideas
* Add an ablitity for an award to be awarded only to a specific usergroup
* add an ability so that you can choose who can awarded it. Not just an moderator
* add an ability so that awards in profiles will be shown in 2 seperate areas.
- 1 area will show the awards for a specific category in order of display that they have been awarded without he reason and such.
- the second will do it like it is now. (with details).
* when adding to postbit and/or signature make it so that you can choose a certain category to display only or all.
These are just ideas i have been thinking of. Since my Forums is used as a clan website and public forums.
The scipt as it is now is very useful....
add an ability so that awards in profiles will be shown in 2 seperate areas.
- 1 area will show the awards for a specific category in order of display that they have been awarded without he reason and such.
- the second will do it like it is now. (with details).
For example:
Black ops medals -
Awards1 award2 awad3 award4 award5 award6
award7 etc
Black ops Ribbons -
award1 award2 award3 award4 etc
and so on and so forth?
This would be really helpful due to the number of awards our site offers. Is there any way this can be done or may i turn it over to someone who can?
(sorry for the rush but my new site is opening in nov. and i'm on a strict deadline..)