Originally Posted by ceho
oldlock seems to be right, I have the same issue, width is set correctly, on Opera and FF. I am playing around with the mod, it's actually cool. The event name font color doesn't work from the ACP (condition is missing in the CSS of the template), but that's not a big deal. What I really don't get is to add any extra content to the block, whatever I try it's "only" showing the countdown, I cannot add an image or anything like this. Any idea how to solve this? Otherwise it's a great mod, I have been looking for something like this for a while  . Thanks!
Edit: never mind, I wrote the extras right into the template, that worked ;-).
I noticed that I missed an option to change the font colour of the counter numbers ... oops! I've already added that option in to an updated .xml that I'm working on as well as removed some superfluous style code that either wasn't necessary or interfered with the alignment of the Expired Notice. (attached - removed attachment)
I'm not sure yet why the display might not be aligned properly for some people.
All of the text within the display should be aligned centre as per the style sheet within the template.
The main div was made to be 20px smaller than the width of the forum sidebar; IE: If your sidebar is 180px wide, and you select the first option (FORUM SIDEBAR WIDTH) at 180px, then the main countdown div would be reduced to 160px. So you could select the next higher option (FORUM SIDEBAR WIDTH) to see if that helps with alignment.
You might want to share how you managed to include a bgimage for the sake of others want to do that too.
You might also want to click that "Mark as Installed" button