Just updated from 2.2.4 => 2.2.6, everthing went fine, users are updated now... but their renommee down't show up. I guess it's a fault with saving these, because instead of an integer, in the database-table vb_gxboxlive it reads:
HTML Code:
<div class="Star Full"></div><div class="Star Full"></div><div class="Star Full"></div><div class="Star Full"></div><div class="Star Full"></div>
So in the html-source it reads now:
HTML Code:
<td class="alt1"><img class="inlineimg" border="0" src="http://www.xxx.de/xxx/misc/gxboxlive/rep/<div class="Star Full"></div><div class="Star Full"></div><div class="Star Full"></div><div class="Star Full"></div><div class="Star Full"></div>.png" alt="Renommee: <div class="Star Full"></div><div class="Star Full"></div><div class="Star Full"></div><div class="Star Full"></div><div class="Star Full"></div>" /></td>
Anybody knows a fix for this?