Attachment 133660
I am trying to get the steam user avatar in postbit without the tf2 stuff that ties it to the tft backpack site. I'm adding it for the new Futuremark YouGamers site and I can't have that part in it as FM would never go for it and it is useless unless you are a tf2 player. I want just the steam avatar to be there or a steam stuff instead of the tf2 backpack site stuff.
Attachment 133661
I see all of the stuff thats supposed to add it with the steam connect beta but it won't show up at all or any of the steam info in postbit. I tried disableing the steam mini profile and nothing..
I assume without the mini mod that I should be getting the avatar and steam info in postbit but nothing shows.
I figured it out. I had to turn it off in the steamprofile.xml that was in the clientscript/steam folder.