Originally Posted by souperman
why would you put that big of a forum on a vps?
Anyways, disable who is online, birthdays, and lower the forumdisplay results.
Also, changing the skin won't help much...the real issue is the queries being perform. Though you can also use nginix if you are truly have a lot of http requests.
Not my doing for the VPS, I'm not the one in charge, just helping out as Admin. Though, it was handling the database just fine up until the last month or so, we'd keep getting hang ups and the server load could sky rocket, and it'd be brought down to its knees during the daily backups.
I'll disable the Who is Online bit, but the other suggestions are done already.
Originally Posted by Mooff
The real issue is his server beeing to small for the board - which he does know.
And yes an apache can be really demanding and nginx is the far better choice, but nginx isn't an option if he doesn't has root access and is going to move in a week anyway.
Options in the acp - you could disable the search function i guess.
I'll look into selectively disabling the search function, perhaps removing it from some of the more active forums.
Also, while it doesn't make a difference, I'm female, haha. Thanks for the suggestions. =)