I'm working on a conditional which runs in the "global_start" hook which sets up adverts for the page.
One of the things I am doing, push advert banner data into the ad_location_showthread_afterqr template, but ONLY if there are more than 2 replies shown on the page.
The code:
PHP Code:
if ($GLOBALS[threadinfo][replycount] >= 2)
Works fine as long as there is only one page of posts, however, if on page 2, 3, 4 etc - then the value is always true, so it doesn't work as I need.
As I don't have access to the $post parameter at that time, I can't do a count (can I?) so does anyone know the code I need?
Psuedo like:
If more than 2 replies shown on THIS page, then set X=Y