You need to figure out what file might have text that says "Edit Email Address" since this is what shows up in your profile when you go to change your email address.
Assuming you have a copy of VB on your computer for problems just like this.
If you use Notepad++ you can find out real easy.
Just open Notepad++ and click on Search then click on Find in Files....
type in what you want to search for like in this case "Edit Email Address".
And pick your directory where you have your VB upload folder also check look in sub-folders and click search.
It will come up with one hit located in "upload\install\vbulletin-language.xml"
vbulletion-language.xml also has other areas of interest as in
"Confirm New Email Address" and just "New Email Address" has 5 hits in the same file.
I don't know enough about the coding to help you at this point, I learn from trial and error myself and then when I'm lost I ask. Just remember to make backups of your website and databases before messing with something like this unless you know what you're doing.
Good luck, hope this helps.