Originally Posted by Scalemotorcars
Im interested in the pro version but I have a few quick questions.
I was using Commbull but after the 4.0 upgrade it required modification to work and even then it didn't work all that well. It created a huge server load that really ticked off my host.
I read above that it pulls the info once then sends out to all members that get the newsletter.
#1 Are the emails staggered over a period of time, say for example 100 every 10 minutes?
#2 What about bounced emails. Does it automatically handle those and if an email is bounced is the members email preference modified automatically to prevent further bounces?
#3 Is there an easy opt-out built into the newsletter and in the user CP?
#4 You mention the templates cant be edited. I understand your copyright but what about cosmetically?
#5 I run VBseo and one of the problems with Commbull is that the newsletter was actually wrapped by vbseo causing the vbseo.php file to overload the max allowed calls for one file on my host. Does this take into account the vbseo wrapper?
Thanks for your time.
1 & 2) It uses the vbmail function, so it emails exactly how vbulletin email's in general.
3) Yep. Premium version allows you to use a profile field
4) Cosmetically you can do whatever you'd like

5) Nope