Congrats on a great tool. A couple of observations:
1) Spammers are getting smarter and coming in after a failed attempt from another IP address. If you look at our logs:
you will see a couple of users that tried to get in and failed with a spammer IP address. They then connect via a different IP address that isn't YET flagged in the system and can get in. (
geraldevens and
JohnAdams even used the same IP address I would think that once a user attempts to get in via a failed IP address, the email address they attempted to connect with would be added to the database so that any future attempts would be prevented. (as well as adding IP addresses from bad email addresses) If when
geraldevens tried a second time, the system knew he was a spammer, the IP address of his second attempt ( would have been logged as well. Not only would he have not made it in, but
JohnAdams would not have made it in either.
2) Is there a way to manage/report spammers from a user profile? From the documentation it looks like the only way to report a spammer is through the forum post moderation tools. What about spam that post in a Blog and not a forum? How do I mark that user as a spammer? (sorry if it's been answered, but I couldn't find any insights in the 80+ pages of thread) Having a tool in the user profile to mark them as a spammer would be useful. We want to contribute to the KB of spammers on the StopForumSpam site.
Anyway, thanks for building this tool. A site I help admin has been targeted by spammers and this tool is helping fight those attacks. (it would even be better if the previously mentioned items were incorporated into the product)