OK. I just had to mess with this again to get the markers working. Instructions for anyone that is having issues.
Go to your website and load markers.xml in your browser window (
You should see an error about a parsing error. It'll give you some information like a line, and if you read the code you'll see a username. Copy this.
Load the AdminCP, VbGoogleMap ME Full Settings. Use ctrl + F to search for the username you got from the error in your browser window. Select that user and delete them.
Login to your ftp account, find markers.xml and delete it.
Make a BLANK new file called markers.xml in your favorite text editor. Upload it where the original was you just deleted.
CHMOD this new markers.xml to 777
Go to the Members map, click on"Your Entry/New Marker"
Scroll down, click update the information.
Load markers.xml again in your browser window. If you have another parse error, repeat the entire process (including deleting and re-uploading a blank markers.xml file).
If you deleted the last entry that was causing the problem, you should see the full list of all the entries, in Firefox the file will look different and it'll start with:
<markers><!-- (c) 2006 StonyArc -->
At which point you can go back to your members map, and it'll load all the markers! It might take a few tries to get all the ones removed causing the problem, but when you do it'll start working right again. Its important to delete the markers.xml file via FTP and upload a new one, because it'll be re-populated from the database with the changes you've made. If you DONT remove and upload the blank file, the markers.xml file WONT be repopulated by the changes you made in the database and you'll have the same problem.
Anything with an "&" I found to be an issue with the script whether it was in the name, the comments, or in the image link associated with it.