What is your question? If you have issues with the TMS you should ask in the TMS thread.
This is already a producs/addon ACP modification. You have two ways of installing it:
a) Install it and then do the template edits manually
b) Install the TMS first, then install the sprites addon and everything should work out of the box.
This behaviour cannot change.
As for beta or no beta. Codingwise not that much will change in a non beta version (when ever that will be ready). Basecially you should do the same as you do with all addons, install it on your testboard first and then if you experience no bugs (or fixed them) port it to your liveboard. What i'm trying to say - we have some high standards before we would ever call something gold or final. In addition with every new vb4 version new bugs might show up in every addon, so basecially it might never pass beta state. :P But it's fully functional on both forumhome and forumdisplay.