Originally Posted by mgcom
Personally i think the newsletter is the most important mod with VB but in Mary's old one you had to do all the work, there is another newsletter (community newsletter) which pulls all the info from your forums to the news letter but its not working and the support is :down:
Finally I got over all Mary's Mods (even those for vB3), and step by step I'll continue upgrading them. I had no experiance with her ForoMail, but as I seen, for sure it will must be split in 2 parts: Mailinglist manager and Community newsletter. For a first eye I didn't found it not working, but just complicated as is now. I'm planing to use it on my site, so this will be the best way to test it out.
I'd pay for that if you could stick it on to your to-do list
Originally Posted by mgcom
How soon for classifieds pro-version mate ?
This evening