just a small question phalynx, my score goes ballistic on my forum. When i make a post lets say for example just 10 letters i get 963 points for it :-O, strangely enough nobody else get that much points as i do, from time to time this occurs to different members aswell.
some log thingy's
14:33 Owning has earned 1626 Points for Posts points
14:32 Owning has earned 1825 Points for Posts points
09:30 Owning has earned 963 Points for Posts points
09:30 Owning has earned 1 Points for threads points
09:30 Owning has earned 1 Points for User points
09:30 Trillseeker has earned 2 Points for Posts points
09:30 Trillseeker has earned 1 Points for User point