I dont know what happened, but all my posts start with []
(Brackets in fromt of all the post that goes to the usenet)
It shows fine on my forum (Without the brackets)
Which line specifies the heading?
Only think I modified was the signature, and remove the > >> >>> stuff.
Otherwise its working great
Help me out with this issue, since replies are generated in new threads.... Otherwise it would not matter.
This is my signature edit:
function sendnews($newthread, $isreply=false){
global $settings, $group, $prefix, $news, $DB_site, $msgid_date;
// get user's signature
if ($newthread[userid]){
$get_userinfo=$DB_site->query("SELECT signature,usertitle,customtitle FROM user WHERE userid=$newthread[userid] LIMIT 1");
// $signature = "\n--\n";
// $signature .= $newthread[username];
// if ($userinfo[customtitle]){ $signature .= " - $userinfo[usertitle]"; }
// if ($userinfo[signature]){
$signature .= "\n";
// $signature .= format_text($userinfo[signature]);
// }
$signature .= "\n
http://www.test.com \n";
// $signature .= "$newthread[username]'s Profile: $settings[profileurl]$newthread[userid]\n";
$signature .= "View this thread: $settings[threadurl]$newthread[threadid]\n";
} else {
$userinfo = false;
// $signature = "\n--\n".$newthread[username]." - Unregistered User"; $signature .= "\n------------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
$signature .= "View this thread: $settings[threadurl]$newthread[threadid]\n";
and this is to remove the >>> stuff
//$message[text] = preg_replace("/((\n[ ]*>[^\n]*)+)/","
$message[text] = preg_replace("/((\n[ ]*>[^\n]*)+)/","",$message[text]);
//$message[text] = preg_replace("/((\n[ ]*>[ ]*>[^\n]*)+)/","
//$message[text] = preg_replace("/((\n[ ]*>[ ]*>[ ]*>[^\n]*)+)/","
$message[text] = preg_replace("/((\n[ ]*>[ ]*>[^\n]*)+)/","",$message[text]);
$message[text] = preg_replace("/((\n[ ]*>[ ]*>[ ]*>[^\n]*)+)/","",$message[text]);
Those are only changes I made, and now all my posts start with:[]
Any idea why?