I have this mod installed, VB 4.1.5 and Photopost 7.1. The popup works great but the drop-down to choose the album won't work, it just defaults back to "all my photos" no matter what I choose. Any idea what could be wrong? The list is populated correctly with all of my albums.
Version: 4.1.001
Photo Popup Settings (from AdminCP)
num_of_cols: 3 [3]
num_of_rows: 3 [3]
num_total: 9
widht: 600
heigth: 600
products: photopost
insert_options_allowed: link_thumb_2_orig link_thumb_2_gallery thumb thumb_2_gallery_link_below
allow_albums: 1
code_usergroups: 0
Code (this is what is inside the table cells)
<a href="#" onclick="thumbpaste('<a href=\'http://forum.rebelscum.com/photogallery/data/500/titles.jpg\'><img src=\'http://forum.rebelscum.com/photogallery/data/500/thumbs/titles.jpg\' style=\'border: 0\' /></a>','
');event.returnValue=false;return false;"><img src="http://forum.rebelscum.com/photogallery/data/500/thumbs/titles.jpg" style="border: 0" title=""/></a>
Images query:
SELECT id, userid, bigimage, cat, medsize FROM pp_photos WHERE (userid = 5545 ) AND storeid = 0 AND approved = 1 ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT 0, 9
Albums query (only if not coming from cache):
SELECT id,catname,ugnoview FROM pp_categories WHERE cattype = 'c' AND parent = 1 ORDER BY catorder
Pagination query:
SELECT COUNT('id') AS fotos FROM pp_photos WHERE (userid = 5545 ) AND storeid = 0 AND approved = 1
Link to Original
Link to Thumb
Used product: photopost
Albums possible: 1
Read Cookie: photopost,,link_thumb_2_orig,0
Set Cookie: photopost,,link_thumb_2_orig,0
Cache Cookie: from database
Table building (rows and columns)
[td ][td][td][td][tr][td][td][td][tr][td][td][td]