A while back I had some code in my showthread_quickreply that added in the custom buttons that appear in the advanced editor. It has stopped working in a recent version. I'm on 4.1.5
Anyone know how I can get this working again?
Here's the code I used to use.
<!-- Add custom BBCodes to quickreply box -->
<vb:if condition="$extrabuttons">
<vb:each from="extrabuttons" value="button">
<img src="{vb:raw button.buttonimage}" class="imagebutton" id="{vb:raw editorid}_cmd_wrap{vb:raw button.twoparams}_{vb:raw button.bbcodetag}" width="21" height="20" alt="{vb:rawphrase wrap_x_tags, {vb:raw button.tag}}" />
<!-- End Add custom BBCodes to quickreply box -->