Thanks for that, have you used the tools (links) i gave you, you can test their useragent against your site to see f it is the mod blocking them, what you have to remember is that when you enter something like DA then the mod looks for anything that contains just that, your other members issues were sorted because you changed DA to DA1 but in their useragent was "Creative Autoup
date, when it comes to banning UA's that have just a couple of letters or such like then you are best entering either a longer string or best entering the entire useragent.
The logging and create thread i only tested on their own, that is to say i didn't have the option for banning them turned on, it seems that there is a small glitch that i'm working on, when banning the spider they are banned as your forum style is being compiled for them but the notifications are created after the forum is shown to them completely, so the spiders are taken care of well before it ever gets to the notification stage, youre not seeing notifications because there's nothing to notify.
I am working on getting them both to work together and will post here when i manage that