Originally Posted by ChrisTERiS
Wrong. linguidTable must be true and below you need to setup the width. eg width = '100%'. But the problem is not there. You need to set the width of every column ($objGrid-> FormatColumn). It's the value before the aligment. The problem is that this version supports only fixed width. To be honest, I've a version which support related width (eg 20 means 20% and not 20px as this one), but as I've paid the author to make this custom work for me (also make column title clickables for changing ordering and removed the arrows on the left), I will include this updated version only with my PRO version.
Typo as usally. Its vbphrase an not vboptions at:
Thanks Chris.
Grid works now
Could you figure out why I have the blue background below the grid?
Is the PRO version already available? If so is there a link to it?