Originally Posted by inphoenix
I see that the new version supports guest clicking thanks/like. But it won't show anything for name, It says "liked this post" and increases the rep count. Should it say "Guest liked this post" ?
Guest clicking is not supported, and I am unable to reproduce any issue that allows guests to click.
Originally Posted by inphoenix
Also, is there a way to turn off notifications for thanks/like?
Not at this time, sorry.
Originally Posted by inphoenix
EDIT : One more question. Is there a way to lookup Thanks/like stats for certain time period? Like say last week, last month?
You can do it manually via SQL queries, but it's not something we support via an interface.
Originally Posted by ReFuZe
I installed it and it installs perfectly but it wont let me clikc on thnaks and dilikea dna ll that DO you know why its doing this
Please check your usergroup permissions in the Button Manager.
Originally Posted by DragonMasterNYC
I'm having a small problem.
I use vbAdvanced for my CMS and anytime I enable this plugin I have template problems.
News module normally has a bar on the bottom of each post that shows thread views, reply count, edit post, reply and send to a friend via email.
Now when I enable the plugin it no longer shows the bar, the images are removed, the links are without the sytle's css, and pushes the links to the left side of the post.
As for the Poll Module it just removes the poll images.
These are the only issues I've found so far
I would like to use this plugin because of what it adds to the forums, but I have it disabled due to this problem. Any information will help.
Thanks ahead of time.
vBAdvanced is full of compatibility issues with various mods, so unfortunately we won't be able to offer any assistance in this issue
Originally Posted by adblaze
I was sold until I saw that this mod added a link in my footer. No thanks.
You're no-welcome
FYI, it only adds the link on its dedicated pages, not on your showthread