Morning Chris,
The newest version rocks and almost everything is solved now.
I just found something with the "datagrid"
** I looked up the datagrid manual and it says in the manual to have the datagrid using the whole width of the screen you have to set this: $objGrid -> liquidTable = false;
I changed it in your phpmydatagrid.class.php from false to true but that didn't change anything.
**For some reason the "condition" text (new/used) doesn't show up in the datagrid.
This is the code you have from the latest classifieds.php:
$objGrid-> FormatColumn("newused","".$vbphrase["microclassifieds_condition"]."", "5", "30", 1, "80", "center", "select:1_".$vbulletin->options["microclassifieds_new_item"].":2_".$vbulletin->options["microclassifieds_used_item"]."");
$arrConditions = array("['adtype']==3" => "['buynow']",
"['adtype']!=3" => "['price']"
** If you look in the screenshot below the datagrid. It shows my "body" background I am using in the site instead of just the plain white background.