I'm wonder how I can see all the variables for all the codes in Stylevar? In my picture I can see the background color is #A8BA2F. but this is just one element, I want to see them all, and just the codes (not like my picture) for all the elements.
It's kind of like in additional.css I can see all the codes, but how see all of them in stylevar?
I'm using a color sucker (or whatever you call it) that can tell be exactly which color each pixel is on my screen. So if I change a color on my vbulletin I can tell exactly which hex code to look for. This will then tell me which variable name to change (example: blocksubhead_background). I could change the color one-by-one but it would take forever. By doing a bunch of color changes at a time, I can just see what the hex code is and seach for it.
I know this is probably a stupid way to do it, but to me it's real easy to just search for the code (kind of like a Word document), and not have to learn the official names (ie blocksubhead_background).
Here is the picture, which displays the colors. I just want that hex code and the section it is in.