Originally posted by Bimma Boy
I installed this hack last night and it was working fine, I then did this..
Went into the forumhome_welcometext template and took out the user name code from it and place it in my forumhome display template (I did becuase I want it to display 'wELCOME BACK USER NAME on top line, then dispaly x new threads x new posts few lines under this)
After I did this - I refreshed and instead of saying Welcome back Admin.. it said Welcome back anothermembersname ???????
I then quickly took out the user name code from the index template and put it back in the forum home_welcometext template - things were all sound again!!
Now today.. other people are saying to me that it says Welcome back differentusername instead of their own name.. The name its displaying is from the online users lists.. Whats going on??
Instead of using...
Welcome back, <b>$username</b>
Welcome back, <b>$bbuserinfo[username]</b>