I am having trouble getting this hack to work on my site (
I am running vB version 3.8.4 v 2
I downloaded Post Thanks Hack 7.7
I installed the Mod:
I uploaded the files via FTP
I installed it via the Product Manager in my control panel
I hit "install" in this thread
It shows up in my vB Options Menu
I checked the options and make sure everything is turned "on"
But I don't see any "thanks" button on the posts
Interestingly, if I check my User CP, and my user Statistics, the Posts Thanked list shows up in my statistics (current count zero). But otherwise I cannot detect Post Thank You functionality anywhere on my site.
I assume there is a conflict with another Mod, or some customization code (?) but for the life of me I can't figure it out. I am not receiving any error codes...