Fatal error: Xcache not installed in [path]/includes/adminfunctions_plugin.php(931) : eval()'d code on line 3
#0 vb_error_handler(256, Xcache not installed, /home/ditusuk/public_html/includes/adminfunctions_plugin.php(931) : eval()'d code, 3, Array ([xml] => This Add-on uses XCache to cache templates 1.0.0 Beta 3 '); require_once(DIR . '/includes/class_dbalter.php'); $dbalter = new vB_Database_Alter_MySQL($db); echo('
Altering Table style ...'); vbflush(); $dbalter->fetch_table_info('style'); $dbalter->add_field(array ( 'name' => 'revision', 'type' => 'INT', 'length' => '11', 'null' => false, 'default' => NULL, )); echo('Done!
'); vbflush(); echo(''); vbflush();]]> '); require_once(DIR . '/includes/class_dbalter.php'); $dbalter = new vB_Database_Alter_MySQL($db); echo('
Altering Table style ...'); vbflush(); $dbalter->fetch_table_info('style'); $dbalter->drop_field('revision'); echo('Done!
'); vbflush(); echo(''); vbflush();]]> cache_templates templatecache = new TemplateCache_XCache($cache, $vbulletin, $GLOBALS['style']);]]> template_compile db->shutdown_query("UPDATE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "style SET revision = revision + 1", 'stylerevision');]]> ,[allow_overwrite] => 1,[vbphrase] => Array ([1_day_ago] => 1 Day Ago,[1_hour_ago] => 1 Hour Ago,[1_minute_ago] => 1 Minute Ago,[1_reply] => 1 reply,[1_week_ago] => 1 Week Ago,[a_closed_forum] => A Closed Forum,[accept] => Accept,[action] => Action,[active_members] => Active Members,[active_subscriptions] => Active Subscriptions,[add_as_contact] => Add as Contact,[add_as_friend] => Add as Friend,[add_new_folders] => Add New Folders,[add_subscription] => Add Subscription,[add_x_to_contacts] => Add %1$s to Your Contacts,[admin] => Admin,[admin_control_panel] => Admin Control Panel,[admin_required_register] => The administrator may have required you to register before you can view this page.,[administrative] => Administrative,[administrator_decided_x_quiet] => The administrator has decided that %1$s should be quiet for a while.,[administrator_may_disabled_account] => If you are trying to post, the administrator may have disabled your account, or it may be awaiting activation.,[ads_ct_forum_select] => Hold down the [Ctrl]-Key for multiple selections,[ads_ct_joindate] => Always,[ads_ct_location] => Advertising world,[ads_ct_npost] => Many,[ads_ct_usertitle] => Circuit advertisement,[advanced_search] => Advanced Search,[age] => Age,[albums] => Albums,[alert_board_off] => Alert: The forums are currently turned off!,[all] => All,[all_forums] => All Forums,[all_times_are_gmt_x_time_now_is_y] => All times are GMT +8. The time now is 04:20 PM.,[allow_bbcode] => Allow BB Code,[allow_html] => Allow HTML,[allow_img_code] => Allow [IMG] Code,[allow_smilies] => Allow Smilies,[announcement] => Announcement,[announcements] => Announcements,[announcements_in_forum] => Announcements in Forum,[any_prefix_meta] => Any Prefix,[april] => April,[archive] => Archive,[at] => at,[attached_files] => Attached Files,[attached_images] => Attached Images,[attached_thumbnails] => Attached Thumbnails,[attachment] => Attachment,[attachment_statistics] => Attachment Statistics,[attachments] => Attachments,[august] => August,[author] => Author,[back_to_x_profile] => Back to %1$s's Profile,[bb_code_is_x] => BB code is %2$s,[bbcode_allowed] => BB Code Allowed,[bbcode_not_allowed] => BB Code is not allowed,[become_a_friend] => Become a Friend,[befriend_x] => Befriend %1$s,[bop5_share_this_forum] => Share This Forum,[by_x] => by %2$s,[by_x_guest] => by %1$s,[by_x_memberaction] => by %1$s,[by_x_user_on_y_date] => %2$s on %3$s,[by_xlink_yguest] => by %2$s,[bytes] => Bytes,[calendar] => Calendar,[can_moderate_user_signatures] => Can Moderate User Signatures,[cancel] => Cancel,[cancel_changes] => Cancel Changes,[cant_identify_image] => Can't identify the image? Click it to get a new one.,[caps_lock_is_on] => Caps Lock is on!
but 'm sure i was installed xcached correctly