I was working in a Cardiology testing clinic in Alpharetta, GA. It was a new building and the majority of the offices in the building didn't have televisions installed. We were the only one who had one although at that time the building wasn't wired for cable.
Anyhoo, the TV had an antenna so we were able to get a clear signal on the network channels and I was getting the current patient load together when one of the schedulers came up from the first floor to ask me if the tv worked and that she heard that the WTC was on fire. I turned it on and we were watching it at, I wanna say about 8:55 or so because the first patient didn't walk through the door until 9:00 and she was on time. I think the channel was on the Today show because the signal was much clearer.
So here we were watching the North Tower burning and wandering how the hell that could have happened when the second plane hit the South Tower. We all jumped at the same time because we couldn't believe what we had just seen. We were talking about how that had to be a terrorist because there was no way that the plane could have had hit those buildings on purpose. The day was spent watching the news and trying to really get a grip on what was actually happening. I did get mad at a lot of people who were coming up to watch because they came up with their lunches and were eating like they were watching a soap opera. I thought it was disrespectful because thousands of people were dead and there was no reverence in the way they were watching...I don't know but it irritated me. I finally turned it off and told them they needed to get back to their offices and we needed to get our patients seen. Of course, all except that first patient canceled and eventually she went home...
That was my "Where were you in '62" moment...