Originally Posted by shanef
I to am getting 100's of pm's about ads expiring and i read someone fixed it by changing the config.php.
my vb config.pp is set to mysql and not mysqli
or if you dont know how to fix this issue yet can you tell me how to disable the cron job...ty
As I mentioned I got those PM's also but those were all from ads who actually expired but never got deleted because of the con job not running properly. Now it is fixed of course all those expired are getting deleted and those PM's are normal.
If you feel you want to disable the cron job for now just go to:
Scheduled tasks -> scheduled task manager -> look for "microCLASSIFIEDS Cleanup" and disable it by selecting "disable" from the drop-down box
Note when you do this it will disable all tasks it is running and not just the ones with the PM's