I know that this isn't the tufat support forums, but that place is dead. I posted my problem weeks ago and haven't gotten any replies. I'm hoping someone here can help me solve this issue.
Installed integrated FC 6.0.8 with vB 4.1.5 and all went well. Chats seem to work accept for the "undefined" bug (which I'm not worried about I).
Checking the error logs on an un-related trek I came across dozens of fatal errors;
Call to a member function next() on a non-object in /home2/sitename/public_html/chat/inc/config.php on line 82
This is lines 73-88 in /inc/config.php Red line is line 82.
if( !isset( $_REQUEST['step'] ) )
if( time() - $arr>5 )
//added on 090706 for chat instances
$stmt = new Statement('SELECT * FROM '.$GLOBALS['fc_config']['db']['pref'].'config_main', 1);
$rs = $stmt->process();
$main_records = array();
while($rec = $rs->next())
$GLOBALS['fc_config']['fc_instance'][$rec['level_0']] = $rec['value'];
The following flashchat related mods are installed:
Flashchat 6 integration for vB 4.X
Members who are chatting
Flashchat 6 admin panel integration